Busy as a bee...

How have almost 3 months gone by since I have posted a blog entry. Well life happened, I have been busy networking, running my farmers market booth, taking on new wholesale clients, working on new products and recipes. Wow... that was exhausting.

Top Trip Rentals recently did an amazing feature on us, and is now carrying our soaps in all of their vacation homes for their guests to enjoy. I can't say enough good things about this company. (Small fact, I used to work for Chereen, the owner and she's the best boss I have ever had! I started as her nanny while I was in college, and moved on to be her assistant while she launched Top Trip Rentals.

All of that being said, she has a great company, and is well known for her impeccable taste and attention to detail. Her vacation homes give you an experience like no other. And the best part is that you get to use our soap for FREE while you stay there!

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