Feeling Thankful This Week!

Well the website has been up now for about a week, and I have to say I could NOT have done it without my amazing computer nerd husband. When he started talking about Java scripts, favicons, DNS servers, and migration it was like hearing him speak in another language. Needless to say, after days of perfecting it, and receiving great feedback from my friends and family the website is up and running smoothly. Yes honey, you are an AWESOME, INCREDIBLY HANDSOME, SMARTY PANTS!!!!!

This weeks big launch was the 2oz lotion bars. I searched for weeks to find the right container to pour them in, and finally found some that didn't look like deodorant tubes. The thought of being at the gym and getting strange looks for rubbing deodorant on my knuckles, hands and arms didn't seem too appealing. I even added two new scents. Gardenia, and Lavender+Shea (which is one of best sellers.)

Now I have the task of getting ready for Thanksgiving. I don't know where the last 3  months have gone. Christmas is exactly 1 month away, and the only thing I have purchased is soap molds, infrared thermometers, glass beakers and new plastic jars for our bath salts. EXCITING I KNOW!!!

Now for the shout out to my friends and family that have been so supportive of my new business. Thank you to each and every one of you for helping me test the website, taking the time to look at it, placing orders and giving me so much feedback. Without all of you none of this would be possible. So this Thanksgiving  I am grateful for my family and friends.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!




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